"I am Unicron. I am the darkest corner of your mind. I am the cruelty hidden in your heart. I am savagery. I am rage. I am hate. Every murder you imagine, every bleeding fantasy, every vengeance. Every repressed urge. Every unrealized perversion. I am all of these. Every intelligent creature turns its tool to murder eventually. I am there, in the sweat and the blood, in the inertia of an action that once done cannot be undone. I am hunger. The energy released by a life extinguished is my food. Strife the wine with which I drink it down. The geography of dreams deferred and love unrequited mirror the sublime hills and valleys of my brainwaves. I am the dense, unfathomable insanity of a possessed mind. Entropy, death, and decay are things of the natural order—petty, corporeal facsimiles of my will. I am beyond such things. I am no mere force of nature. No phenomenon to be studied, codified, and circumvented by the inventiveness of lesser beings. I am the collapse of natural order. A formless, infinite nothing petty corporeal minds cannot imagine. Total annihilation. Peace in an endless emptiness the heart and totality of which I alone encompass. I am Unicron. I live again." ― Unicron
Unicron is one of the main antagonists of the the "Transformers" franchise who first appeared in the theatrical animated film Transformers: The Movie.
Various creation myths exist in the Transformers mythos. Generally, some portions of the myth remain the same. Near the beginning of time, Unicron and his brother Primus were the same being embodied in a being known as the One. The One split himself into two entities, now known as Unicron and Primus, for unknown reasons. Unicron embodied darkness and chaos while Primus embodied light and order. The two brothers fought, but Unicron held a clear advantage in their battle. Primus then decided to trick Unicron by taking the battle into a metaphysical space. From there, Primus led Unicron and his own spirit into a pair of planetoids where they would be entrapped in for eons. Eventually, Primus' planetoid would become what would be known as Cybertron in many realities while Unicron's would float off into space. In many stories, Unicron would awaken in his new planet form or robot form due to Primus' awakening.
Unicron desires only for absolute silence and peace that can only be achieved by the devouring of the universe. Across every reality, every Unicron is the same and controlled by one true being who desires to be the only thing that exists in the center of an infinite mass of swirling nothingness. It is said that Unicron can only be defeated by achieving a true state of one-ness.
Attack Potency: Varies from Planet Level (Every Unicron is around planet sized or capable of consuming planets) to Multiverse+ Level (Comparable to the Thirteen, who are rivals to the Hytherion which cull entire multiversal streams, and some of the Thirteen have also fought with the Star Saber which can collapse the entire multiverse) | Multiverse+ Level (Confident he could defeat Primus in combat. Seemingly unbeatable to the multiversal Thirteen, as Vector Prime notes that although he did battle with him, Unicron spends most of his time not acknowledging his existence. When his true form arrived in a reality, he began to collapse all realities in the Transformers multiverse)
Speed: Varies from Relativistic (Via sheer size, and scaling to other Transformers) to Massively Faster Than Light+ (Flew across the universe to meet Primus in a short amount of time, superior to Vector Prime who could chase after quantum waves capable of destroying reality, flew to a distant planet hundreds of light years away in seconds) | Likely Supraconceptual (Seemingly capable of existing outside conventional space and time, embodies Unicrons all across time)
Durability: Varies from Planet Level (Capable of at least consuming planets while generally being around this size, several Unicron such as from his debut are capable of taking explosions the size of moons) to Multiverse+ Level (Comparable to the Thirteen) | Multiverse+ Level (Took hits from Primus)
Hax: Flight, Avatar Creation, Space-Time Manipulation, Corruption, Soul Manipulation, Reality Warping, Energy Manipulation, Shapeshifting, Size Manipulation, Dimensional Travel, Existence Erasure, Physics Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, Telepathy, Mind Manipulation, Statistics Amplification, Quantum Manipulation, Technology Manipulation, Power Bestowal, Immortality, Regeneration, Intangibility, Non-Corporeality, Large Size, Abstract Existence, Pocket Reality Manipulation, Nonexistent Physiology, Absorption, and Precognition (Can calculate probabilities of actions occurring forward and backward in time)
Intelligence: Godlike (Claims to be unfathomable for corporeal living minds to understand, embodies chaos, and is far above the geniuses of the Transformers multiverse)
Stamina: Limitless (Has a near endless supply of energy and hatred to feed off of)
Powers, Techniques, and Equipment[]
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Flight
- Avatar Creation
- Transformation
- Space-Time Manipulation: He can fold space to give him virtually limitless range.
- Body Control
- Corruption: Corrupted many Cybertronians.
- Energy Projection
- Soul Manipulation
- Reality Warping
- Energy Manipulation
- Shapeshifting: Can turn into other forms, including a panzer tank or armor form.
- Size Manipulation: Can gain mass by absorbing it or simply grow larger.
- Dimensional Travel: Can travel between universes.
- Existence Erasure
- Physics Manipulation: The laws of physics apparently break down around Unicron.
- Matter Manipulation: Dead End is capable of molecular deconstruction and so is Unicron.
- Telepathy: Telepathically communicates with his subjects and enemies.
- Mind Manipulation: Can manipulate the minds of Cybertronians.
- Statistics Amplification: Becomes stronger with hate, anger, famine, and chaos.
- Quantum Manipulation: Passively lets off quantum waves that destroy galaxies.
- Technology Manipulation
- Power Bestowal: Gave Megatron new powers as well as Nemesis Prime and Unicron's horsemen of the apocalypse.
- Immortality: His true form can apparently exist as long as hate exists.
- Regeneration: Has been able to regenerate by feeding off of hateful energy.
- Intangibility
- Non-Corporeality
- Large Size: His true form is infinitely large.
- Abstract Existence
- Pocket Reality Manipulation: Has a pocket reality outside the multiverse where he feeds off of the energy of clones of Cybertronians fighting.
- Nonexistent Physiology: His true form is described as nothingness.
- Absorption: Everything he consumes becomes a part of him.
- Precognition: Has special computers that can scan forwards and backwards in time.
- Sensing: Has sensed Primus across the known universe multiple times.
- Electricity Manipulation via Shocktowers
- Paralysis Inducement via his Anti-Proton Pulse Cannon
- Sword: He can sometimes be seen using swords, especially in his true form.
- Flail: Uses a flail in his true form.
- Shield: Uses a shield in his true form.
- Anti-Proton Pulse Cannon: A gun capable of stunning targets and drawing them into his grinder.
- Grinder: Some incarnations have a grinder in the chest to consume things, and sometimes the grinder leads to an internal black hole.
- Lasers: Can fire lasers from his eyes or chest cavity.
- Dead End: Is protected by the Mini-Con Dead End. Dead End used to be quite clever, but went insane. Dead End is as strong as a Transformer is and can also fire blasts capable of disrupting the molecular structure of a target.
- Unicron's Automated Defenses: Other internal defenses that protect Unicron. They include:
- Pods: Contains hybernation pods inside the body on occasion.
- Tentacle Pods: Specialized pods armed with tentacles.
- Tendrils
- Spiderbots: Crawling robots that occupy Unicron.
- Shocktowers: Towers that act like EMPs and target smaller targets in an area often on or inside Unicron.
- The Cortex: Often the brain of Unicron.
Minor Feats[]
Attack Potency/Strength[]
- The singularity has devoured over one million measured universes
- In truth, Unicron has devoured far more as the number is hard to quantify
- Stated to have the firepower of an entire solar system
- Consumed the black hole at the center of a galaxy
- Proceeded to use quantum tunneling to eat stars across the galaxy
- Casually created quantum waves that threatened the universe and destroyed galaxies as they passed
- Every Unicron is potentially capable of consuming the universe it resides in
- His true presence arriving in a universe began to collapse the multiverse
- Initiated an event where every Unicron avatar resided in a singularity allowing him to destroy every version of Cybertron and destroy the multiverse
- Travels across solar systems in a short period of time in his debut
- Fired a laser approximately the diameter of Cybertron that crossed the distance in about a second
- Flew across the universe over some time to meet Primus again
- Performed a similar feat in the Armada continuity
- Fought with Primus at the beginning of time
- Survived an exploding moon without any damage
- Took hits from the Dinobots
- Survived blasts from Mini-Cons that apparently threatened the entire universe
- Survived an assault from the Autobots and Decepticons of Armada that created an explosion larger than a planet
- Apparently is almost certain he would best Primus in combat
- His mind is so incomprehensible that human telepaths have trouble withstanding accessing his mind
- Death's Head could hardly compete with him when he entered his mind and merely distracted him
- He is apparently so complicated that corporeal minds cannot comprehend him at all
- Is a fundamental part of the universe and understands chaos, war, rage, hunger, entropy, and other concepts he embodies
- Frequently manipulates or breaks the minds of Cybertronians whether it be through Faustian deals or by special torture
- Has a profound fear of his brother, Primus, despite the fact that he is almost certain he would win in a fight
- He is known to be temporarily dispelled by the Creation Matrix
- Seems to have a general aversion to light, which seems to be why Armada Unicron is weak to the mini-cons
- How his avatars manifest is subject to the rules of whatever universe he enters in
- Due to his power and consciousness, he spends a lot of time doing nothing and not acknowledging presences around him
- He can be distracted or manipulated by mind manipulation, such as how Death's Head was able to outsmart and destroy him
Versus Compendium's Conclusions[]
Notable Wins:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: