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Toggle is one of the main heroes of LittleBigPlanet 3.


Attack Potency: Multiverse+ Level (Physically stronger than Sackboy)

Speed: Supraconceptual (Can run faster than Sackboy)

Durability: Multiverse+ Level

Hax: Reliant, Natural and Reincarnation Immortality, Conceptual Existence, Non-Corporeal, Non-Physical Interaction, Fourth Wall Awareness, Resurrection (Via Checkpoints and Shield Fairy), Dimensional Travel (Via Pod), Summoning, Flight (Via Hover Mode), Dimensional Storage (Via Popit), Teleportation (Via Character Teleporter), Shapeshifting and Size Manipulation, Sealing (Via Tea Tin), Cosmic Sense, Transmutation (Via the Destroyer), Matter Manipulation and Conceptual Manipulation, Time Manipulation and resistance to it, Telekinesis, Existence Erasure, Invisibility, Stat Manipulation, Life Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Duplication, Size Manipulation, Emotion Manipulation, Technology Manipulation, Ability Negation and Ability Bestowal (Via Popit Cursor), Physics Manipulation, (Via Physics Tweaker) Friction Manipulation (Via Material Tweaker), Death Manipulation (Via Kill Tweaker), Corrosion and Biological Manipulation (Via the Destroyer), Portal Manipulation (Via Checkpoints, Wormholes and Velociporter), Gravity Manipulation (Via Anti-Gravity Tweaker and Global Stuff), Reality Warping, Weather Manipulation, Light Manipulation, Sound Manipulation, Law Manipulation and Darkness Manipulation (Via Global Stuff), Time Travel, Immersion, Intangibility (Via Hover Mode), Resistance to Conceptual Manipulation and Absorption, Emotion Manipulation, Corruption, Chaos Manipulation, Madness Manipulation, Mind Manipulation Transmutation, and Possession and possibly more.

Intelligence: Super Genius (Should be as comparable Sackboy and smarter than Newton)

Stamina: Limitless.

Powers, Techniques, and Equipment[]


  • Immortality: Will come back as long as the dreamers they’re based on is alive and can come back via the Pod and checkpoints. Even without the Pod and checkpoints, they can always come back through the Imagisphere itself, which is reliant on the Uproar.
  • Conceptual Existence: Every single Toggle represents a dreamer’s hopes, dreams and ideas and is made by the Imagisphere, made by pure energy that never dies.
  • Self-Sustenance: Can breathe in both the vacuum of space and underwater.
  • Shapeshifting and Size Manipulation: Can turn into either a big strongman who exceeds in strength and can use their weight to crush things or a smaller version of themself that can go through small gaps or walk on water.
  • Popit: The source of Toggle and every creator's creative powers. It is a very important tool that gives them everything, when the Popit becomes literally charged with astounding creative power, Toggle becomes all-powerful and god-like that gives them:
    • Retry: Can concentrate hard enough to pop into nothingness and come back to the nearest checkpoint they reached.
    • Popit Cursor: It can carry objects or a person, change the sizes, increase speed, turn anything invisible, duplicate or delete them, and can glue onto two objects together with it and can alter a brain’s mindset, by following or staying away from them.
    • Goodies Bag: Gives them a wide collection of objects and materials they have collected to use to make anything he wants.
    • Tools Bag: Contains many connectors, logic, power-ups, hazards, creature parts and sounds, can cover an object in electricity, fire, gas or plasma, can change the object’s material with the Material Changer, Character Teleporter allows either just them or others to its destination, Physics Tweaker can change an object or person’s physical properties, like its weight, making it non-physical or unseeable, Anti-Gravity Tweaker can control the gravity of an object, Material Tweaker can make materials bounce, nigh-indestructible, frictionless, sticky or climbable, Kill Tweaker allows Toggle to instantly kill their opponent, Destroyer gadget allows Toggle to either have their opponent turn into confetti, dissolve, shrink so small they die, explode, fade from existence, turn into goo or be vaporized, the Controlinator lets them control objects and machinery, can use Capture Object to copy an already existing object, make objects non-physical.
    • Global Stuff: Allows Toggle to change the landscape like altering an area's lighting and colour, making it dark or adding some fog, altering entire backgrounds into an entirely different area with no problem, can change day times into night times and can raise or drain the water levels.
  • Hover Mode: Allows Toggle to fly freely wherever he wants to go, can go through materials and walls in this mode and even exit out of the Non-Imagisphere, a dimension made of anti-imagination.
  • Time Manipulation: Can control time by pausing to stop it, rewinding to go back or fast-forwarding it.
  • Summoning: Sackboy’s mentor, Scarlet, stated Sackboy is capable of calling other Sackboy to help him if he wants, Toggle should be able to do the same thing.
    • Knitted Knights: An ancient team of knights that protect a Craftworld from a different world and share the same purpose of fighting against Vex and the Uproar as Sackboy’s Craftworld and should all share the same abilities and weaponry as Sackboy has.
    • Oddsock: One of Bunkum’s heroes, a quadruped sock that runs faster than Sackboy. Sackboy can ride on top of Oddsock. With its power-up, the Springinator, they attach to their behind and bounce.
    • Toggle: All should share the same abilities as Toggle has.
    • Swoop: The third and last hero of Bunkum, Swoop is an avian sack that relies on their wings to fly or glide and can pick up objects with their talons.
  • Time Manipulation Immunity: Not only are they capable of controlling time but can resist time being manipulated as Sackpeople can resist each other's ability to time stop and should be comparable to the Mystic, who predates time.
  • Emotion Manipulation Resistance: Can continue fighting even when they are bursting into tears, aggressively angry or scared.
  • Possession Resistance: Toggle should be comparable to creators like Newton, who broke out one of the Titan’s possessing him.
  • Acausality and Void Manipulation Resistance: Toggle should be comparable to the Mystic, who predates linear time.
  • Power and Conceptual Absorption, Fear, Chaos, Madness, Mind Manipulation, Corruption, Reality Warping, Probability Manipulation and Transmutation Resistances: Comparable to Sackboy, who is capable of resisting all of these.


  • Pod: Toggle's home where they relax, while also being used to travel to other Craftworlds. The computer that allows them to travel has changed its appearance, ranging from a PS3 or the PS4 controller and has come back to the Pod when all their lives for a checkpoint are gone and killing themself within the Pod brings them back here.
  • Checkpoints: A door that allows Toggle to come back to life. Can use them to travel to a different world. Once all their lives are gone, Toggle returns back to their own Pod, though, they can always regain their lives by collecting them and can heal the damage that dealt them by reaching a new checkpoint. There are three different types of checkpoints Toggle has:
    • Normal Checkpoint: Holds up to four lives.
    • Double Checkpoint: Holds an eight amount of lives.
    • Infinite Checkpoint: Holds an infinite amount of lives and can always come back so long the checkpoint isn’t destroyed.
  • Bounce Pad: Gives Toggle an extra boost, launching them into the air and can be tweaked to reach higher heights.
  • Tea Tin: A tin that kept and contained the Titans locked. It is mostly used to seal away enemies in the tin while keeping the lid closed, though, it’s mostly used when the enemy is defeated.
  • Velociporter: A portal Toggle can go through as long as they both have the same colour.
  • Sackbots: First made by Victoria von Bathysphere to fight for the Alliance against the Negativitron and his forces, Sackbots are wooden, robotic versions of Sackpeople that can be programmed by Toggle to do whatever they command. They can be equipped with power-ups and abilities as long as Toggle grants it to them, can be either large or small and aid them against their opponents. If they are covered in either fire, plasma or electricity, they are immune to these hazards and can change them to either Oddsock, Toggle or Swoop.
  • Powerup Pestidal: Gives Toggle a unique powerup or equipment different compare to the ones they had. They can make any weapon with it, ranging from pre-existing weapons to original and unique weapons.

Minor Feats[]

Attack Potency/Strength[]

  • Strong enough to push objects.
  • Can breakthrough glass as big Toggle.


  • Faster than Sackboy as little Toggle
  • Fast enough to run on water as little Toggle.


  • Defeated the second Titan in Ziggurat.
  • Saved Sackboy from being trapped by Newton’s prison.
  • With the help of Sackboy, Oddsock and Swoop, saved Bunkum and Newton and defeated the final Titan.


  • Is a pacifist for the most part.
  • While they is definitely capable of making anything, it mostly takes time to fully complete their creations.

Versus Compendium's Conclusions[]

Notable Wins:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
