Versus Compendium Wiki

"We have been given a task to perform. We will. This whimpering of yours accomplishes nothing, except to make me want to vomit. Amerikaner schweine..." ― Stormfront

Stormfront is a minor antagonist of the 2006 comic "The Boys."


Stormfront is the first supe ever created. Jonah Voglebaum, creator of Compound V which made Stormfront what he was, saw that he was already heavily influenced by the speeches and dogma of Hitler and his third reich and recommended that Stormfront be destroyed as he was too dangerous to keep around. The Nazis kept Stormfront as their own and he later quietly moved to the United States as one of America's own.

In Stormfront's revised origin story, he is a viking of old. In secret, Stormfront is a Nazi who is proud of World War 2 era Germany. Heavily racist and motivated by hatred, Stormfront is often used as a forceful negotiation tool in African and Indonesian territories where he will often destroy or kill entire villages unwilling to trade. The Female accidentally stumbled upon Stormfront and took out one of his eyes, fueling his fear of going permanently blind. Stormfront blasted the Female and hospitalized her. Later, Stormfront fought The Boys as the unofficial team leader of Payback, but Billy Butcher scared him away by temporarily blinding him. At last, Stormfront deduced the location of where the Boys were operating and attacked them. Billy fought an uphill battle with Stormfront and was on the verge of death, but at the last second, Mother's Milk, the Frenchman, and Love Sausage came in to fight Stormfront. After an extensive beating, Stormfront finally died.


Attack Potency: Small Building Level (Reduces bodies to steaming skeletons with his electricity. Fought closely with the Female. Fought with Billy Butcher twice. Said to be one of few Supes who can compare to the Seven, which includes the likes of Homelander and Black Noir)

Speed: Supersonic+ (Capable of creating sonic booms, fought with the Female)

Durability: Small Building Level (Took an extended beating from Billy Butcher, the Frenchman, Mother's Milk, and Love Sausage)

Hax: Flight, Electricity Manipulation

Intelligence: Above Average (Seems to be somewhat tactical and has studied war)

Stamina: High (Has a somewhat better version of Compound V that allows him to compare to the Seven)

Powers, Techniques, and Equipment[]


  • Superhuman Physical Characteristics
  • Longevity
  • Resurrection
  • Flight
  • Electricity Manipulation: Can fire bolts of electricity from his body.

Minor Feats[]

Attack Potency/Strength[]

  • Fought and beat Billy Butcher fairly easily while he was on his own
  • Said to be one of few Supes who may compare to the best of the Seven, such as Homelander and Black Noir
  • Hospitalized the Female after their fight
  • Crashed through a concrete ceiling and made a giant hole in it twice


  • Kept up with the Female
    • The Female can dodge his electricity blasts
  • Also kept up with Billy Butcher
    • Billy Butcher just barely kept up with one of Stormfront's electric blasts
  • Capable of creating sonic booms in flight


  • Took an extended beatdown from Billy, Love Sausage, the Frenchman, and Mother's Milk
  • Fought with the Female and took multiple hits
  • Took an extended squeezing of his testicles from Mother's Milk
  • Took burning cigarette ashes directly to his eyes
  • Crashed into concrete ceilings and took no damage twice while destroying them easily


  • Often used to tactically destroy or forcefully negotiate with African or Indonesian territories
  • Found the location of The Boys' truck and surprise attacked Billy Butcher
  • Was the only member of Payback to survive Billy Butcher for some time
  • Seems to have studied World War II somewhat in depth
  • Beat Billy Butcher while he was alone


  • Compound V resurrection limits the cognitive abilities of the user
    • Compound V's resurrection also only works if the user has a functioning brain
  • Stormfront has a fear of going blind
  • Stormfront is very arrogant
  • Missing one of his eyes after one of his major fights

Versus Compendium's Conclusions[]

Notable Wins:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
