Versus Compendium Wiki

"I know, I know. Brits just get a wee bit suspicious when folk start wavin' flags, you know?' 'Don't blame 'em. Mattera fact, you might say the more you wave it, the less it means. Less you think about what it means. Start wrappin' shit up in it, wear it like some kinda goddamn suit...? Hell. Pretty soon it don't mean nothin' at all." ― Mother's Milk talking to Hughie

Mother's Milk (also known as MM) is one of the main protagonists of the 2006 comic series "The Boys."


Mother's Milk was raised in a somewhat poor home with a mother who was given an experimental strain of Compound V. This made Mother's Milk the only member of The Boys who could be considered a super by birth. Mother's Milk experienced a tragedy of his brother dying from Compound V in his blood, as his head and skull continued expansion while he was wearing a tight helmet. MM's father sought a lawsuit against Vought American, won, but died shortly afterward. Eventually, MM would join the military. He became a heavyweight champion in his military boxing ring, but when he accidentally used his superhuman abilities to kill a man, Billy Butcher offered him a job as a member of The Boys, making him a founding member.

After an incident with Mallory, another founding member, The Boys disbanded and supers ran amok around the world. Since then, Mother's Milk life improved, although his wife left him. Still, he began to provide for his daughter and had a stable job. Billy would approach MM to rejoin The Boys, but refused. When MM's daughter was hanging out with some shady neighborhood figures, Billy decided to show his loyalty to MM by beating the kids up and teaching MM's daughter to be loyal. MM decides to rejoin afterward.


Attack Potency: Small Building Level (Assisted in the beat down of Stormfront, fought with Billy Butcher and nearly won)

Speed: Supersonic+ (Fought fairly evenly with Billy Butcher)

Durability: Small Building Level (Took a grenade to the face while he lacked his mother's milk)

Hax: None notable.

Intelligence: Average

Stamina: Superhuman (Has a strain of Compound V)

Powers, Techniques, and Equipment[]


  • Superhuman Physical Characteristics
  • Longevity
  • Resurrection: Compound V can bring life back to a dead brain, but their cognitive abilities will be severely limited.


  • Bat: Wields a baseball bat on occasion.
  • Sledgehammer

Minor Feats[]

Attack Potency/Strength[]

  • Overwhelmed Billy Butcher, who needed to use weapons to win his fight
  • Beat the supe known as Gunpowder in a single hit
  • Beats drug dealers easily
  • Punched a man's head off by accident
  • Destroyed a monitor and threw it against a wall
  • Harmed Stormfront multiple times
  • Defeated a cyborg


  • Kept up with Billy in a fight, although he was maneuvering around him


  • Took hits from Stormfront
  • Survived a grenade going off in his face while lacking his mother's milk
  • Has his face shoved into a wall by Stormfront


  • Has skills as a detective
  • Was able to figure out the truth about Black Noir as he revealed his identity
  • Learned Homelander's true identity with investigative skills
  • Posed as a CIA agent
  • Taught Hughie basic combat and killing


  • Compound V resurrection limits the cognitive abilities of the user
    • Compound V's resurrection also only works if the user has a functioning brain
  • Requires his mother's milk to survive and stay powered as he will die without it

Versus Compendium's Conclusions[]

Notable Wins:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
