Maxwell Unusual is the main protagonist of the Scribblenauts series.
Within the world of Earth i, Edgar and Julie were known as the greatest adventurers, consistently the two would be competing against each other, adventure after the next adventure. In one of those adventures, Julie would beat Edgar on top of a far lost pyramid, but the treasure she discovered was an engagement ring for Edgar.
The two decided to semi-retire adventuring, just so they can have a family together. And they have been doing it till they had 42 children in total, one of which would be Maxwell Unusual. Maxwell is like every other ordinary boy; he loves to play with other kids, read comics and sometimes gets himself into trouble. One day, his parents would give him an artifact they find in their adventures: a notebook. But not just an ordinary one, it is a magical notebook that allows him to make anything he wants.
At one point, Edgar and Julie didn’t like how he had become lazy and spoiled with his artifact, so they sent him and his sister, Lily, go outside in the world. Maxwell and Lily ran into a hungry old man, in which Maxwell gave him a rotten apple for a awful prank. Enraged by eating the apple, the old man cursed Lily, slowly turning her into a statue.
Maxwell went up to one of his brothers, Edwin, and explained the unfortunate event. After being told off by Edwin, his brother explained about the Starites and how enough would remove the curse for good. And throughout his adventures, Maxwell sought to do the right thing: Helping out others who are in need of support.
Attack Potency: Universe Level, Multiverse+ Level with the right amount of Starites (With a universe-shattering explosion and its energies converted into Starites, recreated the DC Multiverse.) | Multiverse+ Level (Harmed the Anti-Monitor)
Speed: Massively Faster than Light+ (Can keep up with Larfleeze and other Orange Lanterns, Larfleeze travelled from the Vega System to Oa, the latter being at the center of the universe.) | Massively Faster than Light+, possibly higher
Durability: Universe Level (Took a blast to the face from the Anti-Monitor’s death explosion, which is stated to shatter a universe.) | Multiverse+ Level (Took a hit from the Anti-Monitor in his Hope and Determination form, who absorbed the multiverse being converted into energy, which contains infinite universes.)
Hax: Flight, Non-Corporeal (Via Incorporeal Adjective), Non-Physical Interaction (Via Interactive Adjective), Deathless Immortality (Via Immortal Adjective), Dimensional Travel (Via Lily's Globe), Curse Negation (Via Starites), Mind Manipulation (Via Mind Control Device and Loyal Adjective), Transmutation (Via Necronomicon, Wand and Spell Book), Forcefield Creation and Attack Reflection (Via Forcefield), Petrification (Via Medusa's Head and Petrified Adjective), Size Manipulation (Via Colossal and Microscopic Adjective), Telepathy (Via Aquaman Suit), Emotion Manipulation (Via Emotional Adjective), Ability Bestow and Negation (Via Adjectives to anyone, including himself), Fear Manipulation (Via Parallax Suit), Invisibility (Via Invisibility Adjective), Stat Manipulation (Via DC Suits), Death Manipulation (Via Dead Adjective), Existence Erasure (Via Gone Adjective), Duplication (Via Cloned Adjective), Life Manipulation (Via Living Adjective), Disease Manipulation (Via Diseased Adjective), Poison Manipulation (Via Poisoned Adjective), Plant Manipulation (Via Poison Ivy Suit) Sleep Manipulation (Via Sleepy Adjective), Invulnerability (Via Invulnerable Adjective), Healing (Via Regenerative Adjective), Telekinesis (Via Telekinetic Adjective), Data Manipulation (Via Digital Adjective), Time Travel (Via Time Machine), Resistance to Transmutation and Mind Manipulation (Via Tinfoil Hat).
Intelligence: High to Genius (Highly imaginative and creative, knows some of the things he creates like fantasy monsters, creatures, weapons and advanced machinery. Can give himself the intelligence of a genius)
Stamina: High
Powers, Techniques, and Equipment[]
- Adjectives: Introduced from Super Scribblenauts, Maxwell can add to any effect to anyone, even himself. Gives him, enemies or an object either a positive, neutral or negative effect. There are countless of adjectives, so instead, we’re listing down the more useful ones.
- Invisibility: Self-Explanatory.
- Colossal: Self-Explanatory.
- Microscopic: Self-Explanatory.
- Pristine: Brings back the object to its original condition.
- Loyal: Mind controls his foes and becomes his allies.
- Sonic: Runs at the speed of sound.
- Dead: Instantly kills the enemy.
- Gone: Erases the target’s existence.
- Cloned: Duplicates the object or person.
- Living: Brings the object to life.
- Immobile: Negates the target’s motion.
- Emotional: An adjective that makes the target feel different emotions.
- Metal: Turns the target into metal and makes them slow and heavier.
- Magnetic: Pulls metal objects towards the target.
- Hypnotized: Makes the target hypnotized.
- Obese: An adjective that makes the target wider and bigger.
- Magical: Grants the user magical abilities to transmute enemies into objects.
- Radioactive: An adjective that makes an object radioactive and causes other people to be harmed.
- Incorporeal: Makes him non-corporeal.
- Diseased: An adjective that makes the target feel sick and lie down.
- Poisoned: Poisons the target, though they can be cured.
- Sleepy: Puts the target to sleep.
- Omnipotent: Grants him invulnerability and flight.
- Immortal: Gives him immortality that can only be bypassed if he is erased.
- Regenerative: Gives him regeneration that slowly heals him.
- Fire-Breathing: Grants the user to breathe out a fiery blast.
- Frost-Breathing: Grants the user to breathe a freeze blast.
- Telekinetic: Grants the person telekinesis.
- Digital: Turns the target into binary codes.
- Interactive: Allows Maxwell to interact with incorporeal beings or objects.
- Petrified: Turns the target into stone.
- Object Editor: Also called Hero Creator, allows Maxwell to add modifications of objects using other object pieces, colouring and repainting with textures. He can program the being with reactions and actions along with altering the size of the object, how it behaves, how heavy it is, if it’s alive or not, or how much health it has.
- "Everything": By writing down “everything” on his notebook and being powered by a universe sized Starites or explosion, Maxwell can use his notebook to reboot an entire multiverse at an atomic level and can revive deceased people back to life or bring anyone back from being erased from existence.
- Transmutation Resistance: Immune to being turned into bunnies, frogs or skeletons.
- Black Hole Resistance: He is unaffected by the black hole's pull
- Hope and Determination: Maxwell’s strongest “suit.” By becoming the ideas of Batman’s determination and Superman’s hope they both represent, he can fly, shoot heat vision from his eyes and throw Batarangs faraway. Despite showing these things mentioned before in this form, he should be capable of breathing out an icy blast to freeze enemies, disarm opponents wielding guns, increases his melee damage, slightly increase his health, improve his movement speed and provides a smoke bomb effect that confuses enemies. This form helped Maxwell stare down the Anti-Monitor, who used the energies of the DC multiverse at that time.
- Notebook: Maxwell’s main tool he uses when going on his adventures to write down anything into existence, whether it be an object or a living being or even both at the same time, though this excludes copyrighted material that are not from DC, Mario and Zelda, and naughty words. The notebook contains infinite pages for Maxwell to write and is linked to him writing the notebook.
- Ranged Weapons: A collection of weapons where Maxwell can fight from afar, shooting his foes from distances away, ranging from guns, bow and arrows and launchers.
- Pistol
- Machine Gun
- Shotgun
- Chain Gun
- Minigun
- Bazooka
- Knife Gun
- Hand Cannon
- Organ Gun
- Ray Gun
- Plasma Rifle
- Gyrojet
- Stun Gun
- Stunner
- Flare Gun
- Rivet Gun
- Barrel Launcher
- Rail Gun
- Proton Pack
- Coil Gun
- Flamethrower
- Auto Shotgun
- Nuclear Recoilless Rifle
- Tranquilizer
- Clone Gun
- Sniper Rifle
- Assault Rifle
- Flintlock Pistol
- Grenade Launcher
- Nail Gun
- Laser Sight
- Blow Dart
- Turret
- Tommy Gun
- Rifle
- Freeze Ray
- Grow Ray
- Shrink Ray
- Pea Shooter
- Super Gun
- Bow
- Wizard Staff
- Harpoon
- Cannon
- Freeze Revolver
- Mind Control Device: Allows Maxwell to mind control his foe and become loyal to him.
- Necronomicon: Shoots magic that transmutes his enemies into skeletons.
- Wand: Can turn targets into frogs.
- Spell Book: Turns anything into bunnies.
- Melee Weapons: A collection of weapons used for hand-to-hand combat, relying on a direct approach like swords, axes, spears and many more.
- Sword
- Laser Sword
- Bayonet
- Kusarigama
- Leiomano
- Auger
- Stake
- Lance
- Shears
- Seax
- Katar
- Flaming Sword
- Axe
- Sickle
- War Hammer
- Nunchucks
- Katana
- Bokken
- Kitchen Knife
- Cattle Prod
- Trident
- Battle Axe
- Deer Horn Knives
- Baseball Bat
- Brass Knuckles
- Cleaver
- Crowbar
- Chainsaw
- Cutlass
- Halberd
- Survival Knife
- Mace
- Machete
- Nightstick
- Pocket Knife
- Rapier
- Sai
- Saw
- Scythe
- Truncheon
- Vorpal Blade
- Rainbow Laser Sword
- Ultimate Weapon: One-shots the enemy with a single swing of the blade.
- Explosives: A collection of weapons that will explode upon his foes, Maxwell has many different types of explosives, like grenades or mines.
- Bomb
- Grenade
- Dynamite
- Concussion Grenade
- Torpedo
- Nuclear Bomb
- Depth Charge
- Exploding Barrel
- Extrudable Explosive
- EMP Grenade
- EMP Bomb
- Molotov Cocktail
- C4
- Small Rocket
- Water Mine
- Aerial Bomb
- Napalm
- Incendiary Grenade
- Vehicles/Machines: A collection of vehicles and machinery useful for transportation and sometimes armed with weapons to the teeth, they’re usually cars, cycles or copters.
- Car
- Truck
- Motorcycle
- Time Machine
- Teleporter
- Tank
- Whaler
- Reentry Vehicle
- Mech
- Helicopter
- Missile Carrier
- Bendy Bus
- Submarine
- Anti Air Vehicle
- After Burner
- Smoke Generator Carrier
- Artillery Tractor
- Assault Vehicle
- Fighter Plane
- Combat Engineering Vehicle
- Mine Clearing Vehicle
- Battering Ram
- Hover Tank
- Gun Truck
- Flying Wing
- Aircraft Carrier
- Armoured Personnel Carrier
- Attack Helicopter
- Battleship
- Drone
- Bomber Plane
- Half Track
- Iron Clad
- Military Glider
- Patrol Boat
- Rocket Artillery
- Stealth Aircraft
- Neogaf
- Other Objects: A list of objects that don’t fit within the previous categories mentioned above and give Maxwell unique features.
- Jetpack
- Firehose
- Meteor
- Planet
- Star
- Black Hole
- Galaxy
- Antimatter
- Portal
- Wings
- Wall
- Fan
- Quicksand
- Rainy Cloud
- Volcano
- Tsunami
- Earthquake
- Sun and moon
- Armor
- Forcefield: Repels projectiles and gives Maxwell the ability to fly.
- X-Ray Goggles: Can see beings that are invisible to the human eye.
- Tinfoil Hat: Allows it to block mind control for the wearer to resist.
- Magic: Creates a ball of magic and turns the enemies into bunnies.
- Acid: Can poison the enemy by spilling all over them.
- Medusa Head: Turns targets into stone.
- Super Mushrooms: Increases Maxwell’s size.
- Tanuki Suit: By wearing it as a suit, he can fly anywhere with the tanuki’s tail.
- Super Stars: Functions the same as its actual counterpart, makes Maxwell temporarily invincible.
- Hookshot: Based on a recurring item from the Legend of Zelda series, Maxwell can use it to reach faraway places and ignore danger below.
- Summons: A list of numerous creatures, beings or gods Maxwell can make to aid him or not. Maxwell is even capable of creating characters from Nintendo and DC Comics and he has been shown to summon more than just one character and can summon a team to aid him.
- God
- Cthulhu
- Chickens
- Vultures
- Dentist
- Philosoraptor
- Brainless Monkies
- All-Star Squadron
- Batman Inc
- Birds of Prey
- Blue Lantern Corps
- Checkmate
- Extreme Justice
- Green Lantern Corps
- Justice League
- Justice League Dark
- Justice League Europe
- Justice League International
- Justice Society
- Legion of Super Pets
- Marvel Family
- Seven Soldiers of Victory
- Seven Soldiers of Victory II
- Teen Titans I
- Teen Titans II
- Teen Titans III
- Teen Titans New 52
- Young Justice
- Anti-Monitor
- Spectre
- Darkseid
- Zoo Crew
- Bat-Cow
- Robot Horse
- Mega Winged Samurai and Huge Cyborg Oni
- Mario
- Link
- Death: Instantly kills anything with a touch.
- Edison: Instantly kills any living thing either by eating them or with its fireballs.
- Witch: Uses her spells to turn almost anyone she meets into a frog and eats the frog. (Maxwell is immune to this)
- Slime: Immune to every kind of damage except fire and explosives.
- Vampire: Immune to almost every kind of damage, and turns everyone they meet (Minus Maxwell) into a ghoul or another vampire, they are weak towards the Sun, stakes, garlic, mirrors, crosses and vampire hunters.
- Priest with a cross: Invulnerable to anything excluding instant kills.
- Ghost: Invincible, unless the other enemy is also invincible.
- Ranged Weapons: A collection of weapons where Maxwell can fight from afar, shooting his foes from distances away, ranging from guns, bow and arrows and launchers.
- Lily's Globe: A magical globe that can teleport him into an area or even a different universe with a single page from his notebook added onto the object. Sometimes, depending how much Starites he has, as the Globe runs on Starites, he can travel to universes far away from his universal location, even reaching to the Dream Realm.
- Starites: Magical objects that are born from peoples’ happiness. Enough Starites can remove curse effects that turn people into stone, can convert energies into Starites and can also be used as projectiles to attack his enemies.
- DC Suits: A list of suits based on DC’s popular superheroes and villains as most of the time showing different abilities.
- Animal Man: Flight, increased melee damage, slightly improved health and increased speed.
- Aquaman: Causes nearby fishes to protect him, swim faster and confuses foes via telepathy. Wields the Trident that deals water and lightning damage.
- Atrocitus: Flight, shoots red beams and constructs weapons.
- Azrael Batman: Increases melee attacks and use a close-range flamethrower.
- Azrael: Wields Sword of Sin and Sword of Salvation.
- Aztek: Increases melee damage, health, movement speed, allows Maxwell to fly, and provides him with invisibility and yellow plasma beam attacks.
- Bane: Grants super strength, body slam attack and increases melee damage and slightly increases health.
- Blue Beetle: Slightly increases Maxwell’s melee damage and allows him to fly and fire energy beams.
- Blue Lantern: Grants a blue beam attack. It spawns a Green Lantern member to aid Maxwell during a fight. Increases health, improves movement speed and grants flight.
- Booster Gold: Gives Maxwell a laser attack, the ability to fly, slightly increases his melee damage and health, and spawns Booster Gold’s sidekick Skeets to accompany him.
- Bushmaster: Slightly increases melee damage, health and movement speed, allows Maxwell to fly, and gives him a poisonous gun attack.
- Clayface: It allows the user to grow when hitting the target. Additional powers include greater attack strength and slightly boosted health.
- Cyborg: Increases movement speed, health, melee damage, and gives Maxwell multiple laser attacks.
- Darkstar Exomantle: Increases melee damage, health, movement speed, allows Maxwell to fly, and gives him orange beam attacks.
- Doctor Fate: Gives Maxwell a variety of energy-based attacks, increases his health and allows him to fly.
- Flash: Gives Maxwell incredible speed and increased melee damage.
- Green Arrow: Slightly increases melee damage and equips Maxwell with Green Arrow’s bow which never breaks.
- Green Lantern: Gives him flight, constructs weapons and shoots green beams.
- Harley Quinn: Automatically gives Maxwell a mallet for melee combat, a gun for ranged combat, and provides resistance to poisons.
- Hawkman: Slightly increases health and movement speed, allows Maxwell to fly, and equips him with Hawkman’s Nth Metal Mace and Nth Metal Wings.
- Ion: Enables Maxwell to slow down enemies that come near him, heal his nearby allies, fire a green beam attack, deal increased melee damage, and fly.
- Joker: Gives Maxwell a chattering teeth attack to use at long range and a laughing gas attack that causes people to fall over laughing temporarily. Summon chattering teeth that might burst into harmless confetti, or might unleash a lethal explosion.
- Martian Manhunter: Gives Maxwell an eye beam attack, occasional invisibility and the ability to fly and temporarily paralyse enemies. It also increases his melee damage and health.
- Mr Freeze: Increases health, melee damage, makes Maxwell resistant to freezing and provides him with Mr Freeze’s Gun.
- Nightwing: Equips Maxwell with a Tonfa for close combat and Batarangs for ranged combat.
- Orange Lantern: Empowers Maxwell with an orange beam attack, and when he defeats enemies it will raise orange avatars of them to fight for him. It also allows him to fly and provide a small increase in melee damage and health. The avatars will have the ability to fly and if defeated by an enemy they also will become an avatar.
- Parallax: Empowers Maxwell to scare those near him temporarily, gives him a draining attack that heals him, increases his melee damage and allows him to fly.
- Penguin: Gives access to an umbrella gun and spawns a penguin to protect Maxwell.
- Plastic Man: Increases melee damage, health, and makes Maxwell a bit stretchy.
- Poison Ivy: Spawns a Carnivorous Plant to fight for Maxwell and other plants to protect him. It also slightly increases his melee damage and health and causes his melee attacks to sometimes poison the enemy.
- Red Hood: Slightly increases melee damage and health, and gives Maxwell a knife for close combat and a gun for ranged combat.
- Riddler: Gives Maxwell the ability to throw explosive puzzle pieces.
- Robin: Slightly increases melee damage and equips Maxwell with Batarangs for ranged combat.
- Shining Knight: Greatly increases health, equips Maxwell with Shining Knight’s Sword and summons Shining Knight’s Pegasus to protect him.
- Sinestro: Empowers Maxwell with a yellow beam attack and yellow construct weapons. It also allows him to fly and provides a small increase in melee damage, health and movement speed.
- Starro: Gives Maxwell a small health bonus, the ability to fly, and multiple beam attacks. It also spawns a Starro minion to fight for him.
- Swamp Thing: Greatly increases health and melee damage, and causes nearby plants to protect Maxwell.
- Two-Face: Equipping will ensure that Maxwell always has a machine gun at his disposal.
Note: Please don't treat the Scribblenauts version of Nintendo and DC characters as the same as their canonical counterparts, as there's no proof at all and the lead writer of A Crisis of Imagination has stated that the Scribblenauts and DC continuity are not the same. [1]
Maxwell | Hope and Determination
Minor Feats[]
Attack Potency/Strength[]
- Can destroy a colossal steel tower with 19 slashes.
- Can carry around a large lump of gold.
- Can throw a dumbbell a few meters away.
- Held onto the Flash against the pull of a black hole.
- Can casually create a sun and even change the sun into a red sun.
- His notebook is capable of creating a miniature galaxy or universe.
- Comparable to his Doppelganger, who created the sun and moon at the same time.
- With a universe-shattering explosion and its energies converted into Starites, recreated the DC Multiverse by writing “Everything.”
- Can outrun a tsunami without the sonic adjective.
- Can write as fast as the Flash, who stated he can run at lightspeed.
- His Flash costume is likely as fast as the Flash in his series.
- Can fly any ship from Earth to the moon.
- Can keep up with Larfleeze and other Orange Lanterns, Larfleeze travelled from the Vega System to Oa, the latter being at the center of the universe.
- Can take gunshots and sword slashes.
- Can survive lightning strikes.
- Perfectly fine by being close to a black hole.
- Can take hits from Cthulhu and God.
- Took a blast to the face from the Anti-Monitor’s death explosion, said explosion is big to shatter a universe.
- Took a hit from the Anti-Monitor in his Hope and Determination form, who absorbed the multiverse being converted into energy, which contains infinite universes.
- Throughout the entire series, helped out everyone in Earth i in order to gain a lot of Starites.
- Stopped and defeated his Doppelganger by sending out his Starites.
- Saved his sister, Lily from being turned into stone.
- Helped Superman defeat Lex Luthor with Kryptonian Physiology.
- With Batman’s aid, defeated Ra’s Al Ghul and his assassins.
- Brought both Superman back and sent Zodd back to the Phantom Zone.
- Helped Cyborg defeat Amazo by summoning more people.
- Helped Barry Allen win against Reverse-Flash in a charity race.
- Aided Aquaman in stopping Ocean Master from drilling into the Earth’s core.
- Helped Wonder Woman in defeating Cheetah being changed into different creatures by Doppelganger.
- Helped the Justice League beat the DC Villains.
- Defeated Brainiac and other versions of himself from alternative universes by summoning different versions of the members of the Justice League.
- Defeated the Anti-Monitor and recreated the DC Multiverse.
- Inexperienced when it comes to fighting, more relying on his creations.
- Takes time to write down what he wants to make into the world, but if he isn’t careful, his notebook can be snatch away and can be destroyed.
- Vulnerable to having his life energy being absorbed.
Versus Compendium's Conclusions[]
Notable Wins:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches:
- ↑ "I'm expected to follow the New 52 continuity (and character designs) as much as possible, but it's not an absolute rule. The game created its own continuity, and that's the only continuity I'm truly beholden to. The "Scribblenauts Unmasked" version of the DCU is designed to appeal to a broad, general audience. The Injustice game and prequel series did the same thing, we're just skewing younger and zanier."