Versus Compendium Wiki

"Here comes Monkie Kid!" ― MK

MK is the main protagonist of the LEGO Monkie Kid series, being the chosen successor of the legendary Monkey King Sun Wukong.


Many years ago, the malevolent Demon Bull King rampaged throughout the land, seeking to conquer. One day, he was opposed by the legendary Monkey King. The two had a fierce clash, ultimately ending with the Bull King being sealed beneath a mountain by the Monkey King's staff. After some time, a delivery boy at Pigsy's Noodle Shop was making a delivery, when he stumbled across the Demon Bull King Family attempting to free the King from his imprisonment. They succeeded, but the Monkey King's staff wound up in the hands of the boy, called MK. After stumbling across the Monkey King's hideout in Flower Fruit Mountain, MK, alongside his allies and the staff, defeated the Bull King. Now, he uses the Monkey King's power to combat enemies as Monkie Kid.

Stats []

Attack Potency: Small Building Level (Can damage Red Son, who can survive natural lightning strikes), likely higher (Should be comparable to Monkey King without the staff, who Macaque stated could destroy an entire mountain range when not holding back. Superior to Red Son, who used his powers to counter an explosion that spread across the planet. With the magic vase, could suck up a giant dumpling that threatened to destroy the Earth) | At maximum Dwarf Star Level (As a side effect of his ultimate attack on the Demon Bull King, he pushed Jupiter a sizable distance)

Speed: Supersonic (Can keep up with enemies who react to Mei's motorcycle, which travels down long streets in seconds. Can keep up with Red Son, who perceived lightning before it struck him, although not reacting to it. Can successfully pilot his vehicles, which can create sonic booms), Supersonic with vehicles | Supersonic (Should be at least as fast as before), with Massively Faster than Light+ attack speed (Created a beam that traveled the entire length of the solar system in seconds)

Durability: Small Building Level, likely higher (Should be comparable to his striking power. Survived an impact that created a massive crater in an asphalt street) | Dwarf Star Level

Hax: Duplication, Sealing, Creation, Size Manipulation (of himself and the staff), Invincibility, Resistance to Sealing (Broke out of the Calabash that trapped him in a perfect world by using the staff), Telepathy, Astral Projection, Transformation, Sleep Manipulation, BFR

Intelligence: Average (Is an accomplished delivery boy and shows some creativity in fights)

Stamina: High (Went through several intense training sessions with Macaque, on top of training with Monkey King)

Powers, Techniques, and Equipment[]


  • Size Manipulation: Kid can make his staff shrink, or grow to massive lengths, either to attack enemies or to make quick escapes. So far, he's also capable of shrinking himself down and growing back to normal, along with increasing himself to gigantic sizes.
  • Duplication: By removing chunks of his hair and blowing on them, Kid can create almost perfect clones of himself. However, the clones can have a tendency to fully embody a single aspect of Kid's personality if he isn't careful.
  • Sealing: Monkey King sealed Demon Bull King under a mountain with his staff, and Kid was ready to do the same thing.
  • Creation: Turned a bunch of stone blocks into a giant mechsuit, and reconstructed some broken machine parts into a dragster racer.
  • Invincibility: When unrestricted, the Monkey King's staff makes MK "invincible". How far this extends is unknown, but it seemingly grants him heavy resistance to physical damage.
  • Transformation: MK can access the 72 transformations of the Monkey King, such as a gorilla, a falcon, a spider, and a dog. Can also transform parts of his body into other elements like a mop.
  • Astral Projection/Telepathy: MK can project his spirit across far distances to talk to others, like Monkey King.
  • Enhanced Senses: After mastering his training blindfold, MK's hearing grew exponentially more potent.


  • Golden Vision: Gives Kid the power of foresight, allowing him to know the best action to take to win a fight, along with seeing through walls and across far distances.
  • Cloning/Clone Dispersal: Allows Kid to create clones and destroy them at any time.
  • Monkey Mech Punch: Kid in his mech punches the ground hard enough to create a massive crater.
  • Wukong Flaming Fist of Fury: MK launches dozens of flaming fists at the opponent, damaging them with incredible power, but leaving his defenses weakened.


  • Monkey King's Staff: A relic left behind by the powerful Monkey King. It grants many great powers, but can be difficult to control.
  • Monkey Mech: A mecha that MK occasionally creates to help him defeat powerful foes.
  • Monkey Dragster: A racecar MK created to help him win the Golden Peach trophy.
  • Noodle Cart
  • Magic Vase: A vase that contains a water tornado capable of sucking up anything. This included a giant dumpling that could destroy the Earth
  • Phone
  • Sleepy Time Tea: Allows MK to put opponents to sleep for hours.

Key []

Limited | Full Power

Minor Feats []

Attack Potency/Strength[]

  • Superior to Demon Bull King, who could create massive craters through several city blocks.
  • Comparable to a weakened Spider Queen, who stated she could level a city.
  • Monkey Mech's ultimate attack made a crater visible from space.
  • Broke a glass window that was at least 20 feet tall.
  • Comparable to an unrestricted Sandy, who blew a giant hole in a mountain while holding back.


  • Comparable to Monkey King, who can move at the speed of a tiger when transformed, as well as engage in high speed battles with Macaque.
  • Superior to the Spider Queen, who ran away from a laser chasing her.


  • Was relatively unhurt from being smashed into the ground by Monkey King from hundreds of feet in the air.
  • Comparable to Monkey King, who survived being slammed through several mountains.
  • Survived a vehicle collision with Mei's motorcycle.


  • Has received combat training from both Monkey King and Macaque, and was praised for his skill by Monkey King.
  • Held his own against Princess Iron Fan, who fought as a peer to Monkey King.


  • Monkey King: Although he is still inferior to Monkey King when powered by his staff, he should be fairly comparable to a staffless Monkey King.
  • Macaque: Defeated him when using the staff.
  • Demon Bull King: Easily defeated him when channeling the staff's full power.


  • Afraid of spiders.
  • Cannot control the full power of the Monkey King's staff yet.
  • Somewhat cocky and arrogant.
  • Just because he is so called "invincible" he can still be killed and defeated



Versus Compendium's Conclusions[]

Notable Wins:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
