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"I haven't changed, Gade. I am the same girl I was before I left. Well... maybe I've changed a little. But my heart hasn't. If anything, I'm just going to be that much better at protecting everyone!" ― Kat

Kat is the main protagonist of the Gravity Rush series.


Awaken in the abandoned slums of the city to find herself all alone other than a mysterious cat sitting beside her. Kat would eventually befriend the creature and name him Dusty. During her first encounter with the citizens of a new city she was now in, she discovered that Dusty had the ability to manipulate and shift gravity, and  together helped save a child from a dangerous Gravity Storm.

Later, creatures called Nevi had begun to suddenly appear around the same time as Kat's arrival and the rise of another gravity shifter named Raven. With Dusty's help, Kat continued to help people in need and bring back missing pieces of the city, gaining the trust of Hekseville.

Eventually, people began to regard her as a superhero figure, earning her the title of "Gravity Queen." Even the city's Police Force requested her assistance in threatening situations against the powerful threats. She will do anything to protect Hekseville, even if it tries killing her. 


Attack Potency: Low Multiverse Level (Fought and defeated Raven, who has harmed Gade, who, along with Cyanea and Bit, created the Gravity Rush cosmology. Raven has also defeated Lumino and Tenebria, both being capable of holding Illumina, an entire universe) | Low Multiverse Level (Should be stronger than before) | Low Multiverse Level (Defeated the Destructive Force, who should be stronger than Bit)

Speed: Supraconceptual (Comparable to Raven, who escaped a universe's entire time-space continuum collapse) | Supraconceptual (Way faster than Raven) | Supraconceptual (Way faster than Raven)

Durability: Low Multiverse Level (Took hits from Raven and the Destructive Force) | Low Multiverse Level (Should be more durable than before) | Low Multiverse Level (More durable than before)

Hax: Gravity Manipulation and resistance to it, Flight (Via Gravity Manipulation), Telekinesis (Via Stasis Field), Teleportation (Via Wormhole Kick and Dusty), Space-Time Manipulation, Homing Attack (Via Gravity Kick), Black Hole Generation, Matter Manipulation and Existence Erasure and resistance to it (Via Black Holes), Healing and Absorption (Via Black Holes), Attack Reflection (Via Stasis Field, Vortex Field and Debris Ball), Temporary Invulnerability (Via Gale Zone), Can see invisible objects and see the real enemy if they made an illusion or duplicate themselves, Minor Regeneration (Via Auto-Healer Talisman), Resurrection (Via Sacrifice Talisman), Stat Manipulation (Via Pain Inducer, Almighty and Accelerator Talismans), Damage Healing (Via Drain Talisman), Resistance to Poison (Via Antidote Talisman), Resistance to Transmutation, Resistance to Ability Negation and Stat Manipulation, Sealing against Abstract Entities (Via becoming a Singularity), Non-Physical Interaction and Immune to Time Manipulation | Healing, Limited Size Manipulation and Regeneration Negation (Negated Elektricitie's regeneration) | Creation and Matter Manipulation

Intelligence: High (Has sneaked through well-armed fortresses, used bottles of wine against two invisible enemies)

Stamina: Very High (Has kept on fighting, even when she was at the brink of death. Never gave up against fighting the Destructive Force and came back an hour after sealing the Destructive Force)

Powers, Techniques, and Equipment[]


  • Combat Prowess: Relies on using legs for kicking. Sometimes punches her opponents. Sidekick with decent range, launching her opponents. Can perform a backflip kick, sending her opponent sky-high. Also forms a quick front flip, slamming her legs down towards the ground. It has helped a lot and has even took down a hundred martial artist without using her powers.
  • Stealth Expert: Infiltrated a high-level security area to swap a fake Sacred Gem with the real one. Good at following people while not getting detected by them. Sneaked through Boutoume while trying to find Dusty without getting spotted. Infiltrated Fort Bismalia and took pictures with her camera. Can sneak up on guards.
  • Skilled Strategist: With Raven's help, baited Nushi so Raven can hit it with her trap.
  • Highly Resourceful: Used Syd's wine to find her invisible enemies.
  • Mind's Eye: An ability that was bestowed from Cyanea. With this ability, Kat can see objects that have been there, but not visible to the human eye, like an enemy's invisible weak points, the door where the Ark's room was. The ability has been upgraded for Kat to find the real opponent if they have any illusion or duplications.
  • Space-Time Manipulation: Created a ball of distorted time-space,
  • Non-Physical Interaction: Can harm Elektricitie, who is made of electricity and has touched her soul and should be comparable to Raven, who can break Tenebria's darkness barriers.
  • Gravity Manipulation Resistance: Although she has been affected before, she can resist getting close to Raven's shifter form, which can shift objects' and people's gravity by being close to her. Can resist a black hole's pull in her Gravity Panther form.
  • Time Manipulation Immunity: Moved within a dimension outside of time, though she has been affected by time being frozen before.
  • Existence Erasure and Matter Manipulation Resistance: Can resist her own black holes, which can rip matter apart at a subatomic level and are stated to “remove enemies from the realm of existence.”
  • Transmutation Resistance: Can resist Mutated Kali converting everything she touches into energy.
  • Ability Negation and Stat Manipulation Resistance: After her powers and physicality being removed which caused Dusty to disappear from the Destructive Force, she eventually regained all her abilities, physicality and Dusty back.
  • Singularity: Can transform herself into a singularity and seal her opponents into a black hole, including abstract entities like the Destructive Force, who is described by Bit as "Darkness, Void, Fear, Despair and The End.".
  • Gravity Panther: A fusion between Kat and Dusty. Can be accessed with Kat's rage or the Rage talisman. She can morph into a panther when she runs. Gains two pair of claws for going up close, can teleport. Slowly heals her during this form and can even grow larger than Anemone.
  • Gravity Gryps: A fusion between Kat, Dusty and Raven's Guardian, Xii. More powerful than Gravity Panther and Gravity Phoenix combined. Creates countless panthers and phoenixes and attacking the opponent will make them dissolve into oblivion.


  • Gravity Kick: Kat's standard aerial technique. While floating via shifting gravity, she can launch herself towards the opponent and knock them out with a kick.
  • Gravity Slide: Can manipulate gravity to slide on the floor. Can be used when she's on the wall.
  • Stasis Field: Creates a field that attracts the objects that are close to her. Can hold up to six objects in total. Can deflect physical and energy-based attacks with it. Can perform Piercing Throws, in which Kat throws an object at an enemy to another. Can pick up water and form it into a ball.
  • Hip Attack: While not an actual attack, she can use her rear to harm the enemy.
  • Spiraling Claw: By pressing her wrists together and spinning around, it allows Kat to home into the opponent. Nearby items get pulled into the vortex and are used against the enemy.
  • Lunar Style: Donning it will make Kat lighter, making her movement and her attacks agile. Slows down Gravity Slide. Can perfectly stand on fragile surfaces.
    • Spring Jump: Allows Kat to leap off to the sky into the air.
    • Horizontal Rocket Jump: Can leap off a far distance.
    • Wormhole Kick: Allows Kat warp next to a nearby opponent.
    • Vortex Field: Objects are pulled into a vortex and when it's thrown can immobilise the enemy for enough time for Kat to attack. Can deflect physical and energy-based attacks with it.
    • Gravity Typhoon: Can summon rock-like spikes and telekinetically thrown at the enemies, following them.
      • Gale Zone: An upgraded version of Gravity Typhoon. Creates a whirlwind that harms her opponents, blocks attacks and gives her invulnerability.
  • Jupiter Style: Wearing them can make Kat feel heavy and sluggish, but makes Gravity Slide faster. Can block projectiles with it.
    • Surge Kick: While floating in the air, charges up and launches herself a powerful kick that can produce a powerful shockwave. Enemies cannot interrupt while she is charging.
    • Debris Ball: Gathers objects into a giant ball that can stagger bigger foes. Can deflect physical and energy-based attacks with it.
    • Micro Black Hole: Summons a black hole that “remove enemies from the realm of existence.” Larger foes can resist it but can still be harmed.
      • Ultra Black Hole: An improved version of Micro Black Hole. Surround herself with a black hole that grows larger. Recovers health based on the number of enemies being absorbed.
  • Gravity Crush: A move where Dusty morphs into a pair of black claws for Kat. Has been used multiple times as a finishing move.


  • Dusty: Kat's guardian that allows her to go into Shifter Mode in the first place. With him by her side, she can change to her Shifter Form and gains the ability to walk on walls, fly and grab objects telekinetically. Can use Dusty's powers to tear a hole in space-time and after the entire universe of Heksevile's time froze, Dusty was still capable to move.
  • Talisman: Special items that were either mined, completing missions, defeating certain enemies or forged by another talisman. Gives Kat new abilities such as:
    •   Auto-Healer: Regenerates Kat's health.
    •   Drain: Heals Kat by killing an enemy.
    •   Pain Inducer: Further gives Kat more damage to her enemies.
    •   Almighty: Improves her defence and offence.
    •   Spider Web: Extends the reach for projectile objects grabbed in Stasis Field.
    •   Rage: Makes Gravity Panther last much longer than before and it's easier to use.
    •   Antidote: Resists poison damage.
    •   Sacrifice: Uses the full SP gauge up when health is gone to bring Kat alive.
    •   Power Extender: Ultra Black Hole's area of effect becomes larger and special moves last longer.
    •   Recovery: Health will be recovered when collecting precious gems.
    •   Accelerator: Speeds up Gravity Slide.


Kat | Gravity Panther | Gravity Gryps 

Note: Kat can't access Gravity Gryps normally since she needs Xii, who belongs to Raven.

Minor Feats[]

Attack Potency/Strength[]

  • Kicked a steel door off its hinges.
  • Used her weight to break out a cage.
  • Strong enough to push a Batouyue Nevi with a kick.
  • Strong enough to produce shockwaves.
  • Broke out an army of Nevis piling on top of her.
  • Used a ball of debris on her feet while footdiving to the ground, creating a large crater.
  • Can shatter a boulder with a single kick.
  • Can shatter rocks that normal drills struggle to break.
  • With Raven, can knock down the Eliminator.
  • Can shatter a prison bar.
  • Can shatter a concrete wall.
  • Her gravity ability can lift elephants up.


  • Can break the sound barrier in shifter mode.
  • Outpaced Kish's modified boat.
  • When first activating her Gravity Panther form, escaped a black hole's pull.
  • Outpaced Nushi, which can escape a black hole's pull and can keep up with the Ark.
  • Can outrun a flying motorcycle.
  • Can dodge machine gunfire.
  • Managed escaped a rift plane's destruction.
  • Fast enough to slide on a floor of glasses before they break.


  • Can consistently fall from a high height and be perfectly fine.
  • Can survive standing on hot lava.
  • Survive a self-destructed explosion.
  • Can survive taking hit from Nevis that can support the Lost City's arms.
  • Survived a Grigo self-destructed explosion.
  • Crashed on top of an ice cream house.
  • Took hits from the Destructive Force, who's stronger than even Bit.


  • Rescued Eugie from a Gravity Storm while Dusty defeated it.
  • Saved Syd and singlehandedly defeated a group of thugs.
  • Defeated an army of Nevis after they knocked out a bunch of Police Officers.
  • Defeated the Taion Nevi and brought back the missing part of Auldnoir.
  • Saved Echo and defeated a Nevi that was possessing her.
  • Rescued a few police officers that were trapped above a tower.
  • Defeated Alias and ended his evil schemes.
  • Defeated the Lagan Nevi and brought back the final missing part of Endestria.
  • Defeated it again after it returned and its Nevi invasion, with the Jellyfish Special Forces' help.
  • Won the Great Snake Race and the Rabbit Run against Kish.
  • Defeated all the Nevis and saved the children on Boutoume.
  • With Raven's help, defeated Nushi.
  • Defeated Nushi and helped Raven with helping the children before the black hole devours Boutoume.
  • Helped evacuate some stranded civilians and stopped a Nevi invasion.
  • Saved a pilot's life, took out fires that were damaging the city and the Jellyfish's battleship and stopped another Nevi outbreak.
  • Defeated Yunica, second in command of the Jellyfish Special Forces.
  • With Raven and Yunica's support, defeated Sea Anemone.
  • Saved Syd and Cecie from a gravity storm after Dusty returned.
  • Brought all the ducks back to their home.
  • Surveyed a lot of gravity ores.
  • Won against Fi in a game of B'oarack.
  • Defeated Night Gale, a mind-controlled Raven.
  • Alongside Raven, defeated the Bismalia army and its secret weapon, Eliminator.
  • With Raven's help, freed the hostages and defeated the Council's army and 2 Eliminators.
  • Alongside Raven, defeated the Lost City's gravity engine.
  • After returning to Hekseville, stopped a Nevi outbreak with the help from Kali Angel.
  • Defeated Delta 1 and 2, who were Yunica and Permet.
  • With Raven, defeated Kali Angel.
  • After being knocked unconscious for a while, defeated The Other, an alternative version of both Kat and Raven
  • With Raven, Yunica and Permet fought against Durga and Kali and soon defeated them.
  • Made it to Eto, which was at the top of the World Pillar and regained the memories she lost.
  • With Cyanea bestowing her a new ability, defeated Elektricitie, who was stated to have unlimited power.
  • After a long battle, struggling. Defeated the Destructive Force, became a singularity and seal it within the black hole.


Kat should be straight forward when it comes to scaling, she has fought Raven before who has fought foes with more impressive feats than her despite being the main heroine. And while she is weaker than the Destructive Force, she has taken hits from it and kept on fighting. Though once she goes Gravity Gryps, she outright scales to the Destructive Force.


  • Needs to stay close to Dusty, in order to access her gravity abilities.
  • Vulnerable to mind and memory manipulation.
  • If Dusty starts eating anything poisonous, Kat's flight ability will run on a short time limit.
  • Will complain if she hasn't eaten any food while fighting.


Versus Compendium's Conclusions[]

Notable Wins:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
