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"You’re right, we are mortal and fragile. But even if we’re tortured or wounded, we’ll fight to survive. You should feel the pain we feel and understand. I am the messenger that will deliver you to that pain and understanding." ― Guts

Guts is the main protagonist of the Berserk series.


Guts, now as the Black Swordsman, is a former mercenary and branded wanderer who travels the world in a constant internal struggle between pursuing his own ends and protecting those dear to him.

At one time driven solely by his will to survive, Guts finds purpose in life upon joining the Band of the Falcon, greatly helping in the faction's storied successes during the Hundred-Year War as captain of the band's raiders. He eventually becomes dissatisfied with clinging on to Griffith's dream and departs from the band in pursuit of his own. Following the horrors of the Eclipse prompted by Griffith, Guts embarks on a two-year war against the God Hand and apostles, becoming increasingly embittered on his one-track quest for retribution. He in time realizes protecting his regressed lover is more important to him, as well as something he cannot do alone, and thus seemingly abandons his quest for revenge while fostering camaraderie with his new companions.


Attack Potency: Multi-City Block Level (Capable of exerting this level of energy when moving at his fastest.)

Speed: Massively Hypersonic (Reacted to Ganishka’s lightning.)

Durability: Multi-City Block Level (Capable of exerting this level of energy when moving at his fastest.)

Hax: Non-Physical Interaction (Via the Dragon Slayer), Resistance to Possession and Pain Tolerance | Immunity to Pain Manipulation and Fear Manipulation (Suppresses his pain and fear when donning the armor)

Intelligence: High (A skilled swordsman and a quick thinker.)

Stamina: Very High (Even before he became the Black Swordsman, fought an army of one hundred men.)

Powers, Techniques, and Equipment[]


  • Master Swordsman: Since the age of 6, Guts had been training swordsmanship through most of his life. Fighting skilled sword fighters such as Griffith and Nosferatu Zodd, the latter having fought for three centuries.
  • Tactical Genius: Guts mostly brings the right tools for his fights, while also exploiting weaknesses despite how impossible to reach them.
  • Possession Resistances: Resisted spirits’ attempt on possessing him.
  • Pain Tolerance: Has powered through pain in most of his battles.


  • Dragon Slayer: Guts’ primary weapon, a massive blade weighing up to 200 to 400 pounds and standing 6’6 crafted by Godot. Made to slay a dragon given its name and was laughed off impossible to wield. This weapon is capable of cutting through almost anything, including spirits and monsters from the Astral Plane due to killing thousands of demons.
  • Prosthetic Arm: After Guts’ lost his left arm back from the Eclipse, Guts now has a prosthetic arm that packs him a powerful punch. It also holds two ranged options such as:
    • Cannon Arm: A cannon hidden in his arm, which is often used for a surprise attack to weaken or even one-shot the opponent. However, the recoil dislocates Guts’ shoulder and must maintain both the gunpowder and the cannonball itself.
    • Repeater Crossbow: Mounted on top of his mechanical arm, fires arrows quickly against a horde of foes.
  • Throwing Knives: Carries 5 sets of throwing knives, mostly used to distract or blind the enemy.
  • Dagger: A knife he carries by his waist, used for quick melee attacks.
  • Miniature Bombs: Small bombs with a fuse that lasts for seconds to let them explode quickly, they are covered in spikes to latch onto the foe easily.
  • Berserker Armor: Guts’ strongest yet dangerous weapon, donning it allows Guts to surpass his subconscious limits and makes him numb to pain. It is also capable of slowing down wounds by piercing broken bones and relocating joints.


Guts | Berserker Armor

Minor Feats[]

Attack Potency/Strength[]

  • Can casually lift his own weapon, Dragon Slayer.
  • Cleaved through men and their horses.
  • Can cleave through Apostle.
  • Cut through Samson’s flail before he became the Black Swordsman.
  • Smashed through a door 4 times thicker than a normal one.
  • Stabbed Wyald’s Apostle Form by the neck, Wyald’s non-Apostle form can easily smash boulders with a punch.


  • Can easily move faster than the eye can see.
  • Can swing Dragon Slayer fast enough to create a small tornado.
  • Caught a crossbow bolt.
  • Use Dragon Slayer to stab the ground before he was struck by lightning.
  • Can keep up with Serpico, who dodged lightning.
  • Kept up with Wyald, who blitzed and impaled a guy at the top of a clock tower while being tied.


  • Shrugged arrow shots.
  • Survived a punch from Zodd's Apostle Form.
  • Can jump through a wall of flames.
  • Survived a tower collapsing on top of him.
  • Withstood Ganishka’s lightning strike.
  • Survived having his cheeks pierced by Rosine


  • Became a mercenary at a young age and later became captain for the Band of the Hawks.
  • Slew through one hundred men army.
  • Ended the 100-year war with the Band of the Hawks.
  • One of the survivors of the Eclipse and even killed some Apostles.
  • Has killed more than 1,000 Apostles.
  • Survived his fights against Zodd.
  • Alongside his party, defended a church from a horde trolls and an ogre.
  • With his team, fought against an army of Daka
  • Killed the Sea God within.


At the current point of the Berserk story, Guts is a powerful fighter, superior to most Apostles. He is below to characters such as Skull Knight or Ganishka and definitely inferior to his former ally, Griffith, at least weaker than Post-Eclipse Griffith.


  • Will do anything to win, even if it nearly kills him.
  • The Berserker Armor doesn’t heal him, only delay the damage it takes.


Berserk Wiki

Versus Compendium's Conclusions[]

Notable Wins:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:

Debates in Progress:
