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"I've... been thinking, too... about the universe... people... the planet... How wide and big... No matter where I go and what I do, it won't change a thing." ― Cloud Strife

Cloud Strife is the main protagonist in Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.


An arrogant and proud swordsman at first, Cloud believes himself to be a former member of a top-ranking member of Shinra's elite paramilitary unit, SOLDIER. Now working as a mercenary-for-hire, Cloud takes a job with the anti-Shinra organization AVALANCHE to bring down his old employers. It's revealed during the game that he isn't what he seems: Cloud failed to qualify for SOLDIER and instead took a job as an infantryman. During a mission to Nibelheim with Sephiroth and his best friend and SOLDIER 1st Class Zack Fair, Cloud was wounded and used as a lab experiment for Hojo. Zack broke them out years later but died in the escape, and Cloud, suffering from a great deal of physical and psychological trauma, impressed Zack's memories on his own, creating a false past and a false personality to match it. With the help of his friends, learns there is more to being a hero than possessing physical strength and fame.

After the truth is revealed he suffers a stunning revelation, but thanks to a journey to the center of the mind, he comes to terms with who he is and rebuilds his persona from the ground up.


Attack Potency: Low Multiverse Level (Consistently fought and defeated Sephiroth. Aided in the defeat of Ultima, who destroyed a universe upon death and is vastly superior to Gilgamesh, during his time in Ivalice.)

Speed: Massively Faster than Light+ (Capable of keeping pace with Sephiroth and Jenova, characters who, in all their incarnations, are far stronger than Bahamut Fury.)

Durability: Low Multiverse Level (Tanked the awakening of four of the six Weapons in the Northern Crater and withstood Sephiroth's Supernova. Withstood attacks from Ultima.)

Hax: Regeneration Negation (Can permanently kill pieces of Jenova with his normal attacks. Permanently prevented Sephiroth from returning), Death Manipulation, Resistance to BFR, Soul Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, Disease Manipulation, Possession, Telekinesis, Illusion Manipulation, Power Mimicry (Limit Breaks cannot be copied, Zack Fair being the exception). With Materia and Equipment, gains Matter Manipulation, Gravity Manipulation, Time Manipulation (Speeding up, slowing, and stopping), Attack Reflection, Transmutation, Power Nullification (Negates barriers and status boosts with Dispel. Can stop opponents from using magic with Silence), Petrification, Mind Manipulation, Sleep Inducement, BFR, Absolute Zero Ice, Spatial Manipulation (Knights of the Round destroys space with its final attack), Power Mimicry, Energy/Life Absorption, Elemental Manipulation, And resistance to all of the above.

Intelligence: Above Average. (From the very beginning, even as an infantryman, Cloud displayed immense skill and natural talent for swordsmanship and battle. This, furthered by his military training and the memories inherited from Zack, led Cloud to have full grasp of every aspect of combat and strategy; including Magic, the use of Materia, Limit Breaks, and measures for Elemental Attributes and Ailments, among many other aspects, to the point, that by very early in the story, he could already easily defeat actual SOLDIER members. His knowledge became considerably more extensive thanks to his travels and encounters with more dangerous and powerful enemies, he eventually branched from emulating Zack's fighting style into creating his own with the Fusion Sword, which includes expert use, in several different ways, of its various blades of different shape and size.)

Stamina: Extremely High (From fighting entire gauntlets of monsters, for what seem to be hours, with no sign of exhaustion, to clashing with powerful enemies under extreme conditions, such as fighting off the Remnants of Sephiroth while afflicted with Geostigma, a fatal disease whose symptoms include extreme fatigue and bouts of intense physical pain; as well as being able to keep going against Sephiroth despite sustaining heavy injuries, including being wounded in vital organs.)

Powers, Techniques, and Equipment[]




Minor Feats[]

Attack Potency/Strength[]

  • The shockwaves from his swings can cut skyscrapers in half
  • Traded blows with Sephiroth, who: killed a massive dragon in two casual swipes and impaled the 100-foot long midgar zolom on a tree
  • Swings around the 80-pound buster sword like a twig
  • Beat Tifa Lockhart, the monk of the party, in a wrestling match
  • Overpowered Kaiju-sized monsters Diamond Weapon, Emerald Weapon and Ruby Weapon


  • A casual bullet and lightning timer
  • Even the mook class enemies in FF7 are laser-users, and Cloud dodges them easily
  • Traded blows with Sephiroth, who moves faster than the eye can track (Sephiroth also once kept up with Zack, who in turn kept up with Bahamut Fury, which flew from another planet to earth in 11 seconds)
  • With the Omnislash, actually blitzed Sephiroth


  • Has survived and even tanked a ridiculous amount of impalement
  • Fought for more than 12 hours
  • Tanked bullets
  • Survived a Supernova
  • Survived the impact of Meteor clashing with Holy
  • Survived a fall down a mountain


  • Joined the Shinra Infantry at a young age
  • without any prior experience, "killed" Sephiroth by impalement
  • wielded Zack Fair's buster sword
  • Blew up two of Midgar's mako reactors
  • Infiltrated Shinra HQ
  • Escaped Midgar and destroyed most of Shinra's forces
  • Killed the Midgar Zolom
  • Solved the ancient temple's puzzles
  • Defeated Jenova no less than four times
  • Killed three WEAPONs, basically superpowered Kaiju
  • Defeated Safer Sephiroth
  • Killed Sephiroth in a brutal, 12-hour rematch




Versus Compendium's Conclusions[]

Notable Wins:

  • None

Notable Losses:

  • None

Inconclusive Matches:

  • None